I'm a digital content and campaigns specialist - based in Edinburgh, always online.
I help purpose-driven brands, progressive campaigns and movement builders advance their mission with digital creative, communications and strategy.
Currently I work at Uplift - producing a range of digital content that cuts through in a crowded digital space to help set in motion a just transition away from fossil fuel production.
(Not actively taking on freelance work atm)
Image credit: Hannah Symons
Thank you! I will get back to you as soon as I can
Who I've worked with: 
Uplift (#StopCambo, #PaidToPollute, #WarmThisWinter); The Co-operative Party; Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty; Cyrenians; Fossil Free London; Unison Edinburgh; Parents for Future; Edinburgh Northern and Leith Labour Party; Glimpse Collective; The Sunrise Project; Jeremy Corbyn MP
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